
Saturday, August 4, 2012

I am entering a contest to win one of these. I have seen so many blogs posts about them and so many pins on Pinterest. So, they are having a contest, check it out here...

So, good luck and have a great night.
To anyone who may be following, I will be camping and there is no wifi, so I will catch you up next Saturday or Sunday.
Have a great week!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Not much to share today. Sorry I haven't been posting much. It has been kind of crazy this past week. I will be on vacation next week. I won't have wifi while I'm camping so I doubt I will post. However, I may try to finish up a few things tomorrow and post them before I go. That's the plan, but I also have to go through all of the camping equipment. So... we shall see...
Have a great day!

Saturday, July 28, 2012

I'm trying to get my blog out there so I am joining linky party. Thanks for coming!

Head over to her blog and check it out!

 What grade do you teach?
I teach grades 6 through 8 for Language Arts and a 7/8 Social Studies class (world history, geography and current events)
- What is the greatest advice you received during your 1st year of teaching?
When I switched over to middle school from subbing I was really word. My principal, who is also one of my best friends, told me to just relax and take it one day at a time. At the end of each day, take a moment to reflect. What worked well? What didn't work? What can I do to fix it? Did my students learn something? If I can answer all of those questions honestly, then I am doing a good job. The rest will come, and it has!
- Do you have a checklist that you follow when preparing your classroom (include the checklist)?
I am moving into a brand new classroom in a brand new building. I have seen it partially finished. I have no idea about bulletin boards, furniture or anything. I won't get in to set it up until the weekend before school starts. Am I worried, YOU BET! So if and when I do get a thumbs up to set up, or if I get to see my room prior to that, I will make a list. So, I am setting up binders, they are a must!
- What are some must haves in your classroom that you cannot live without (ex. items, books, posters, management strategies)?
I will have a planning binder, a sub binder, attendance binder, and a binder for each subject/grade I teach. I will also be starting Interactive Student Notebooks this year. I will have a binder(s) for those. I used to use a file cabinet, but I would just throw stuff in the back of the drawer so it was a mess. My wonderful husband is also building me a binder shelf (they have similar ones at Really Good Stuff). I also had problems last year with keeping up with my materials. So I am going to use another divided box, kind of like 5 magazine boxes put together but in wood, and set up my Monday through Friday for the week. Since I will be using Interactive Notebooks, I want to have everything ready when my students walk in. I set up a great file bin for Literature circles last year. It worked well. I like that my students are responsible for getting the materials that they need. I will set these up for my notebooks once I model how to use each type of Foldable and graphic organizer that we will use. I can't wait! Oh wait, one other strategy, I am making a display board to go near my classroom door. It will tell my students what they need for class each day so I don't get 18 students asking, "Mrs. Morganelli, do I need my laptop? What are we doing in class today? Do I need my folder? Will I need colored pencils?" You get the point, lots of questions. I started writing it on the board last year. I still got the questions, but I could just say, "Check the board, please." It worked well. Often one or two students would wind up telling the other kids what they needed. I love it when simple things work. Since my room will be bigger and I don't want them coming and going 800 times, I am setting up a board on a small easel stand near my door. If you check out my post from yesterday I started making the labels for it. I will post the finished product, hopefully, tomorrow!
- What is something that all teachers should have in their classroom?

Friday, July 27, 2012

Going to attempt to publish on TPT

Hi Everyone,

I have decided to go whole hog (to coin a phrase... I love idioms!) and try to put a few things on Teachers Pay Teachers. I will now have to figure out how to link my blog with that, as well as Facebook. I haven't figured that out yet, either.
So, here is another thing I have created. These labels will be for a board that I will have on a stand near the door to my room. I teach middle school and on different days I need my students to bring different things to class, so I am creating a board that will have the subject and grade level (I teach 6-8th grade Language Arts and a 7/8 Social Studies class) and the title will be What you will need...
Here are some of the labels. What do you think of the font?

I still have more labels to make. I am going to buy a foam core board, maybe black, finish the edges with interesting duct tape, and add Velcro dots. I am going to print these on card stock (I'm thinking neon green, orange and/or pink) and laminating them. I will hopefully make that this weekend. If I get it done I will add a picture. I can't wait. I get out of work in 45 minutes and I'm heading to Michael's on the way home.
Wish me luck!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Hello Out there...

I know that someone out there is reading this. I really wanted to have something exciting to share. I did make a few covers for my binders. I've been playing around with Publisher. I am going to attempt to put what I did on this blog... here goes...

I'm trying to decide which one I like better...
Have a good night!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Yes, I hated it!

Yes, I changed it again. I thought it looked like my dog ate crayons and, well... you know. At any rate, I like the lined paper, more me. But I still want something plaid or paisley or both, I think. Maybe baroque? Who knows. I actually tried adding a gadget that was supposed to be a free background, but it wouldn't show up. I followed all the directions, but no luck. I will keep trying.

Goodnight all!

Busy Background

It's a little busy and not quite what I want, but it will do until I can learn how to make my own background or find a free one that I like better. I don't have Photoshop so I can't make one in that. I'm hoping my very talented daughter (who I just bought the entire Adobe Suite for) will make me one. If anyone has any suggestions, I would love to hear them.
I only have a few hours a day to work on school work. I work at a summer camp all day during the summer. So unlike most teachers, I am counting the days until school starts, because camp is not that much fun. Longer hours and less pay make Pam a cranky girl. I have a group of middle school age kids and I take them on a field trip in the van every day, every single day, rain or shine. Some days it's fun, others... not so much.
Do you work over the summer? Do you enjoy what you do? Are you counting the days until school starts with anxious anticipation? Tell me what you think? I would love to hear from someone.


Monday, July 23, 2012

Well I am a real newbie so this is my first Blog Hop so if I do this wrong... sorry!
      1.  what state you are in
    2.  your current teaching position
    3.  your teaching experience
    4.  when you started blogging
    5.  share a blogging tip / blogging resource

1. New Hampshire
2. Currently I teach 6-8 Language Arts and 7/8 Social Studies.
3. This is my third year teaching middle school. Prior to that I spent a few years in preschool and subbing. Before that, I taught kindergarten for 11 years.
4. I started blogging today!
5. Youtube has so many videos about how to do things, but I still have a whole lot to learn!

Hello and Here Goes...

Hello to anyone out there. My name is Pam Morganelli and I am a middle school teacher in New Hampshire. I have finally decided to jump in and start a blog. If anyone has any tips, thoughts, suggestions or ideas, I will be glad to hear them. I am hoping to use this blog to connect with other teachers, middle school and otherwise. I teach Language Arts and Social Studies. I am really interested in and will be starting to use Interactive Student Notebooks this year. 
Thanks for stopping by!
P.S. A special thank you goes out to Jill at Controlling My Chaos for her encouragement!