
Saturday, August 4, 2012

I am entering a contest to win one of these. I have seen so many blogs posts about them and so many pins on Pinterest. So, they are having a contest, check it out here...

So, good luck and have a great night.
To anyone who may be following, I will be camping and there is no wifi, so I will catch you up next Saturday or Sunday.
Have a great week!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Not much to share today. Sorry I haven't been posting much. It has been kind of crazy this past week. I will be on vacation next week. I won't have wifi while I'm camping so I doubt I will post. However, I may try to finish up a few things tomorrow and post them before I go. That's the plan, but I also have to go through all of the camping equipment. So... we shall see...
Have a great day!